ZhanGuo: The First Empire releasing at Essen 2023

ZhanGuo: The First Empire releasing at Essen 2023

The team at Sorry We Are French has just announced their big Essen release for 2023 - ZhanGuo: The First Empire!

In ZhanGuo: The First Empire, you play as one of Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi's emissaries, assisting him in uniting the empire, building the Great Wall, and developing infrastructure for the benefit of the empire's citizens. 

Go along with the Emperor's plans to offer your family a place in the Terracotta Army. To help you in this challenging task, 6 cards will be at your disposal every round: they will give you permanent support during the rest of the game or will obtain you the Emperor’s approval for your actions.

At the end of the game, the player who made the greatest contribution to the Emperor’s cause by scoring the most Victory Points (VP) will be the winner!

Game info:

  • 1-4 players
  • 60-120 minutes
  • Ages 14+
  • Designers: Marco Canetta & Stefania Niccolini
  • Mechanics: Hand management, area majority, multi-use cards

Sorry We Are French is the studio behind the combo card game Gosu X, the crunchy rondel tableau builder Iki, the sci-fi optimizer Galileo Project, and upcoming family-weight tile-placement game In the Footsteps of Darwin. Their beautiful art direction and high-quality components will guarantee an amazing play experience in this new edition of ZhanGuo: The First Empire.

ZhanGuo was originally released in 2014 by What's Your Game, following a successful Kickstarter. It received several accolades, including the Cardboard Republic Laurel and nominations for the Jogo do Ano (Portuguese Game of the Year) and Meeples' Choice.

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